Household # 1063 Washington, ward 2, Washington, District of Columbia

Name Gender Age Birthplace
John Thomas M 56 England
Jane Thomas F 54 England
E E D Wood M 35 Rhode Island
Susan J Wood F 30 England
Mary E Thomas F 18 New Jersey
Wm H Thomas M 16 New York
J E T Thomas M 5 New York
Jane E Thomas F 3 New York
Jane C Wood F 1 New York
Annie Pople F 17 England
Michael Maxwell M 21 Ireland
Thomas Donohoo M 24 Ireland
Joseph Buchanan M 32 Ireland
John Carr M 40 Ireland
Robt Crawford M 25 Ireland
James Bird M 21 Ireland
Mary Courtney F 25 Ireland
Ellen Nelligan F 25 Ireland
Mary Nelligan F 28 Ireland
Eliza Dittle F 30 Ireland
Ann Grey F 25 Ireland
Mary Grey F 24 Ireland
Wm Eggers M 23 Germany
James Mcervy M 30 Ireland
John Kurry M 35 Germany
John Weisenborn M 37 Germany
Henry Weisenborn M 29 Germany
James Callan M 17 Ireland
Elizabeth Wesle F 29 Germany

Household # 51 Washington, ward 2, Washington, District of Columbia

Name Gender Age Birthplace
Michael P Callan M 36 District Of Columbia
Elizabeth A Callan F 28 New York
Edward Callan M 5 District Of Columbia
Thomas Callan M 3 District Of Columbia
Sarah A Callan F 1 District Of Columbia
Mary A Mcquillen F 40 District Of Columbia
Margaret Mcquillen F 23 District Of Columbia
Mary J Lee F 20 Maryland
Eliza Roden F 14 District Of Columbia